Our Services
A Pakistani Khula law states that the wife is entitled to file her Khula with the family court when she seeks divorce. The Khula procedure is adopted in Pakistan by the family court.
In Pakistan, divorce is the right of the husband. The legal talaq process is initiated by the husband before the court of the arbitration council through the submission of talaq forms in Pakistan.
Online nikah in Lahore Pakistan is available through our law firm, which also facilitates online molvi for nikah for those who live abroad.Online nikah takes only 15 minutes.
We conduct court marriage procedures in Lahore Pakistan in accordance with the court marriage act, meaning that you are at the right place if you need to hire a lawyer for court marriage legal services.
In Pakistan, wife maintenance is considered a right; however, a wife cannot claim wife maintenance after a divorce because after a divorce a woman no longer qualifies as a wife.
When children are young, child maintenance is paid to their mother (or whoever has custody of the child/children). Child support is commonly known as child maintenance in Pakistan.
A legal notice is a thought of portraying a requirement that a person know about his act which is effecting the rights, obligations or duties of a person or society.
Courts make child custody arrangements for applicants, so you can hire an attorney with expertise in child custody lawyer to help you contest the arrangement.
It is normally seen that after separation or divorce, husband and wife are seen fighting for custody of minor children. In Pakistan, subject of custody of minor is regulated by the Guardian and Wards Act, 1890 and jurisdiction to try such disputes is with Guardian Court.
A legal notice is a thought of portraying a requirement that a person know about his act which is effecting the rights, obligations or duties of a person or society.
In addition to providing divorce certificate Pakistan Lahore services, Advocate Khadija has the ability to resolve divorce proceedings from the court of arbitration council.
It is normal culture in Pakistan that bride is given dowry and gifts by her parents. Similarly, husband and his family also give bridal gifts to wife at the time of marriage or during connubial relationship.
Marriage is a legal contract which confer legal rights and obligations upon husband and wife. Some of these rights and obligations are expressly detailed in law and some are not but are implied from marriage relationship.
We are often contacted by overseas Pakistani women who are unable to dissolve their marriage as they are living outside Pakistan.
Under Guardian and Ward Act, 1890, it is mandatory to apply for guardian certificate for minor child or his property.
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